Want to Help?

If you want to sing with us, please go to this page and fill out the interest form there:  Want to SING?

But even if you can’t sing, we could draw upon your other talents!
We need people to help out with ushering, intermission, and in other behind-the-scenes roles, such as:
Can you provide cookies or other goodies for the
after-concert reception?
Or with beverages (got a large coffee urn?)
If so, please contact Jeanne Niedemeyer at ChoirCookies@neener.us
Other needs:
• Ushering and answering audience questions
• Back stage help
• Spreading the word! Download our flyer and share it,
.  or post it in your store window!
   (Please do not post on utility poles or other public spaces without permission.)
• And more!

    If you want to help out, please fill out the form below and we'll get back to you!
    (Items with * are required. Be assured that your information is safe with us. We will not distribute or sell it to anyone else for marketing.)

    Baking cookies or other treats
    Making coffee, hot water, etc.
    Staffing a refreshment station
    Ushering, answering questions
    Organizing refreshments
    Other (please provide more info in "Comments" box)